Historic Downtown Hannibal

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April 19, 2016

 Historic Hannibal Marketing Council

April 19, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 5:15pm by President Paul Lewellen.

The agenda was approved.

The minutes from the March meeting were approved.

Jessie Dryden was introduced. She is representing a new business, Hannibal Underground Walking Tour. The tours will be given on Tuesdays and Thursdays. These days were chosen because these are the slowest days of the week and the tours might encourage visitors to stay longer. Sponsorships for a map are requested. Jessie also shared plans for a coloring book. Jessie was asked to attend our next meeting to keep us current with the plans.

Treasurer’s Report: Checking account has a balance of $26,952. Savings account has a balance of $5009. Michael has copies of the report available for anyone interested in seeing it. Kristine will submit a budget for Christmas 2016. The future clerical position was discussed. The hope is to have someone hired by the by late summer to start working on 2017 events and Christmas 2016. Dena reviewed the process of getting the position filled. First, the expense of the position will be added to all event budgets. Then it will be approved, added to the administration budget. Lisa Marks will discuss it at the Wednesday morning Events Committee. A complete job description will be written up. This position will be paid as an independent contractor and by the event.

Committee Reports:

HCVB: Gail reported Hannibal had visitors from 70 countries. The new website has had over a 38% increase in traffic of unique visitors during February and March. A new French-American riverboat has expressed an interest in coming to the Mississippi in 2018. All 2017 dates are set for the Queen of the Mississippi. Tuesday night, April 26 the Rolls Royce /Bentlytour will be here during the day.

Membership R&R: Mary reported that the committee met and brainstormed names and businesses for possible memberships. Potential new members include Green With Envy; Beauty Bar; new owners of Christian Ambiance; the Hannibal Jaycees; American Décor; F&M. A new 3 ring binder handbook is being assembled for new members as well as current members.

Events: GGG is this weekend, April 22-24. Volunteers are needed to fill the 400 bags at Finn’s. Also volunteers to man the tables especially for Saturday to sell tickets to the pub crawl, t-shirts and bags. Items are still being collected for the gift basket. Approximately 300 bags have already been sold. It is anticipated that the bags will all be sold. The website will also have the sheet of coupons. It was decided that no more last minute entries can be allowed. Everything is ready to roll. Lisa congratulated the committee members for their hard work. Twain on Main will meet on Thursday morning.

Beautification: Thanks to everyone who helped pot plants. Still need to move some pots around. Everyone needs to take care of the flower pots. This was a big investment for HHMC. There will be riverfront progress meeting the 1st week of May. Everyone will be encouraged to attend.

Relay For Life: Joe will be meeting with the Relay – store members are encouraged to decorate their windows the weekend of the relay in purple in support of it.

BAM: The group appears before City Council for approval tonight. HHMC will be responsible for welcome signs and a bike corral. T-shirts will probably be provided for volunteers, to help with questions, cleaning up, etc. We do not have to provide food vendors. It will be encouraged that the bikers visit our local restaurants. A street sale will be held to encourage the bikers to explore downtown. Open container will also be on the city agenda. Bill will send to Paul the email about volunteer duties and times.

Other Business: Steampunk: Lisa reported that the Steampunk is getting bigger and better. The guide needs to be done in May. She requested that your ad copy be turned in early. 2 bands from Texas will be performing. Facebook promoting has been hugely beneficial. Fantastic numbers already. There will be 3500 printed program and it will also be available as a PDF on the website. Lisa asked that we keep the momentum going – participate in everything possible!

Linda asked about the political stand HHMC made. Joe reported that the bill was passed in the Senate, and would move to the house- at that point it will be decided if it is to advance. Joe wanted feedback from HHMC. He got 16 positive responses and 1 negative.

Paul reported a new stage will be constructed for Music Underthe Stars which will cost approximately $1200. He asked that donations be made to help cover the cost. Lowes donated the lumber.

There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Gloria Burns, Secretary