Historic Downtown Hannibal

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The meeting was called to order by President Paul Lewellen at 5:15 P.M. on August, 18th, 2015.

The minutes from the July meeting were approved as submitted. Linda made the motion, Lisa seconded.

The agenda for tonight’s meeting was approved with the addition of Brian Chaplin speaking after the treasurer’s report. Lisa Marks will speak about the Steampunk Festival after theDowntown Beautification Committee report.

Brian Chaplin and Mike Dobson were introduced as guests.

The monthly sign-up sheet was passed to members.

Members present: Mary Short, Kristine Russell, Lisa Marks, Paul Lewellen, Terry Martin, Dena Ellis, Linda Studer, Kenna Bogue, Gloria Burns, Mike O’Cheltree

The treasurer, Mike O’Cheltree reported a balance of $17,234.30 at HNB in the checking and $5007.14 in the savings account.

Brian Chaplin spoke about the finger signs that will be in place soon. The signs will be started to be installed the first week of September. There will be 2 signs per block and on opposite sides of the street. They will be a “slide-in” style so names can be easily updated. Restrooms will also be pointed out. Brian reported there will be 1 on 4th St. and 1 on Broadway. All signs will be in place by the Folk Life Festival.

Mike O’Cheltree asked if there would be anyway to continue the red crosswalks on Broadway. He suggested that possibly the street dept. employees could do the start up work. Brian stated that he has plans can’t discuss it right now. Linda relayed compliments that she had heard from customers stating how awesome the streets and downtown area looks.

The city street sweeper is now sweeping the streets on Monday and Wednesday between 5:30 and 6:00A.M.

Dena brought up the trash container situation, and that on Tuesday mornings the trash containers are filled all the way to the top. The refuse collection company has said that the containers are filled with water when it rains. It was discussed that when the current contract is up, that a more thorough job description should be given.

It was announced to Brian and Mike that the HHMC has formed a Downtown Beautification Committee. Snow removal will be brought up soon. Dena would like the city employees to work with the store merchants. This committee is still in the planning stage and would like the city input as well. Brian and Mike both are on board 100%

Mike addressed the riverfront issues mainly Schwartz Garden and the park. Since Fred is gone, the maintenance has not been satisfactory by the sons. Parks and Rec and the street dept. has done some cleanup and work, but it is an ongoing, never ending job. Weeds have been pulled, the parking lot blacktopped, mulch has been reapplied, some other repairs done. Lisa suggested that we could work together, help fund to pay for someone to help with little issues. Dena brought up the fact that the gardens should be simplified so it would be easier to care for. Brian said that this had already been discussed. Communication is the key to keep the city officials informed about what is going on in the downtown area.

Committee Reports:

Visitors Center: Gail not in attendance, no report

By-Laws Report: Joe not in attendance, no report

Membership R & R: Mary reported no new members. The Esthetic Studio, Elena Nemes, owner wants to become a member. Mary has not heard back yet from Mindy at the new diner.

Events Steering Committee: Lisa reported that the Victorian Christmas Committee and the Chocolate Extravaganza will begin meeting every 2 weeks after Labor Day.

HHMC Riverfront Committee: Joe not in attendance, no report given.

Downtown Beautification Committee: Dena requested a budget for signs to be made for merchants who have done work to their storefronts. A budget of $250 was motioned by Dena, Mike seconded, motion carried. This would be a monthly award, and would like to begin with July which would be given to Becky Thatcher Ice Cream and August will be awarded to Ralls County Clock Company and September to The Esthetic Studio.

Steampunk:Lisa Marks reported on the upcoming  2ndSteampunk Festival to be held over Labor Day weekend. Lisa has the booklet and she is very humbled by the support given to this festival. There was a little problem obtaining the liquor license and Lisa asked HHMC to help out and get the license and in return, a small portion of the beer sales would be given back to HHMC. Insurance is covered by both Steampunk and HHMC. Linda motioned 10%, Paul seconded, all approved.

New Business:

Mike had no new information about the Christmas lights.

Rendezvous wrap-up: After the morning hours, the beer wagon was moved closer to the rendezvous, but that didn’t help, not much beer was sold at all. $297 was profit, but $500 was donated from the Budweiser.

Paul mentioned that the city council will have a second reading on consumption of alcohol in areas during festivals.

The next meeting will be held on Sept. 15th.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Gloria Burns,


Hannibal Historic Marketing Council